

Students posting for photo in the campus mall

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Disbursement Information

Our school delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:

Students have 3 options to receive refunds for grants and loans:

  1. applied to your RSC BankMobile debit card
  2. direct deposit into the account of your choice or
  3. a paper check that will be mailed to you.

New students to RSC will receive a refund selection kit in the mail and must go to to activate their refund preference. The first disbursement for Federal Pell and FSEOG will occur after the add/drop period for the semester.

Your disbursement will be for the cash balance(s), if any, after all institutional obligations are satisfied. Tuition and fees are paid from the program that is applied to your student account first.

If you are enrolled for multiple terms (such as four-week or eight-week terms), contact this office to determine how your assistance will be disbursed. In general, your aid amount will be determined by number of hours you are enrolled in at census date.

The census date is after the 100% refund period for the 16 week session. Students who are ONLY ENROLLED in classes that begin with the 2nd 8 week session or later will have a census date after the 100% refund period for the 2nd 8 week. The census date is posted on the RSC Financial Aid website.

Classes added after the census date are not eligible for additional Federal Pell Grant funding

Disbursements and Refunds

Pell Grants are disbursed to the RSC Bursar's Office the week following the census date. You can view your refund amount on your schedule/bill on If you have any questions about the refund, please contact the RSC Cashiers’ Office at 405-733-7303 or

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year, the way you qualify for a Pell Grant will change. Instead of using categories like “full-time” or “half-time,” it will now be based on something called “enrollment intensity.”
Enrollment intensity is a percentage that shows how many credit hours you’re taking compared to a full-time course load, (12 credit hours or more is considered full-time). Your Pell Grant amount will be based on this percentage, which is more flexible and better matches your actual classes. For more information about how your Pell Grant may be adjusted, visit our Federal Pell Grant page.

*The census date for Fall and Spring semesters is the last day to drop with a 100% refund for the 16 week session. The census date for the Summer semester is the last day to drop with a 100% refund for the 8 week session.

Federal Direct Loans are disbursed from the RSC Financial Aid Office to the RSC Bursar’s Office on most Tuesdays and Thursdays.

For your loan to disburse you must:

  • Accept your loan on
  • Complete Loan Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note on
  • Be attending at least six (6) credit hours during the 16 week and/or 8 week session(s). 
  • Note: If you’re a first-year undergraduate student and a first-time borrower, you will have to wait 30 days after the first day of your enrollment period for your first disbursement.
Office Hours & Contact Information


Normal Business Hours: 
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm


(405) 733-7424
Toll Free: (866) 621-0987
Fax: (405) 736-0359
